Steffan, H.
Moser, A.; Hoschopf, H.
9. EVU-Jahrestagung, Berlin 2000
Steffan, H.; Moser, A.; Hoschopf, H.: HWS-Syndrom bei seitlicher Belastung. 9. EVU-Jahrestagung, Berlin 2000.
Experiment Sketch
German, 15 pages, 22 figures
Keywords: cervical spine, biomechanics, lateral impact
The number of whiplash injuries after lateral impacts has been rising for several years. This collision type occurs when a vehicle enters a road in priority and takes someone’s right of way. This paper presents a number of experiments with 6 collisions at nearly right angles involving most different vehicles. Furthermore, the article describes 6 sled tests with several test persons. The passenger load at different lateral impact positions was measured. The paper presents the test results and hypothesises on the relation of the findings with cervical spine disorders.
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