Minor Hit-and-run Accidents – Perceptional Problems caused by Modern Bumpers? Results from Collision Experiments

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Main author

Fürbeth, V.


Grosser, W.

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9. EVU-Jahrestagung, Berlin 2000


Fürbeth, V.; Grosser, W.: Unfallflucht bei Kleinkollisionen - Wahrnehmbarkeitsprobleme durch moderne Kunststoff-Stoßfänger? Ergebnisse von Kollisionsversuchen. 9. EVU-Jahrestagung, Berlin 2000

German, 8 pages, no figures, no references
Keywords: minor collision, perception, collision experiment

Hit-and-run accidents are frequent topics of court hearings. Several parameters have to be taken into account, like, for example, speed, impact angle, what parts of the vehicles contacted and which materials were involved. Today, most vehicles are equipped with modern plastic bumpers. However, there is hardly any literature on this topic. The author presents the results from 155 collision experiments he conducted.