UNECE WP.29 faces significant challenges in formulating UN regulations for the registration, homologation and operation of automated and autonomous vehicles. Out of 13 important safety issues that need to be regulated in detail, one main topic is the recording of accident and event data to clarify accidents involving automated vehicles in mixed traffic. In addition, the basis for the clarification of traffic offences is to be created. An informal working group IWG EDR/DSSAD2 is currently working intensively on the definition of an EDR for conventional vehicles (mandatory in the EU from 2022) [Reg (EU), 2019] and an EDR for automated vehicles. As a member of the informal working group, the Allianz Center for Technology contributes the position of Allianz and the perspective of the insurance industry. These contributions are essentially based on the work of the AHEAD3 working group. An evaluation of real insurance claims on German motorways should also support this work with relevant and concrete examples. The analysis of the database shows on the one hand the relevance and the need of EDR and DSSAD data and on the other hand which data of EDR and DSSAD should be recorded in the future in order to guarantee an objective accident investigation within a reasonable time. The database contains insurance claims reported in Germany to Allianz Versicherungs-AG in 2018.
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