Ways to improve professional driver’s training

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M. Samara


U. Raz

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28 EVU Conference, Barcelona



Traffic accident investigators are of the opinion that over 80% of the accidents are caused by the human behavior, in other words, the accidents occur because of the driver’s actions, or lack of them.

Any driver can minimize the risk of being involved in an accident by improving his/her driving skills. This can only be achieved by training in accordance with the norms set by the authorities. The norms should be reached by studies of accidents.

This paper is based on investigations of accidents involving electrical bicycles and trucks. The result of these thorough examinations of accident investigations suggest to classify them in 4 typical types of accident, in which electrical bicycles are involved.

In each class of accidents, dangerous areas around the truck can be determined. The danger points of each truck are emphasized to the drivers. After theoretical studies, the drivers have to undergo practical exercises. During these exercises the driver learns to look for dangers in the “zero visibility” areas before he reaches them and finds ways to avoid them.

In certain trucks, the studies indicated that a change, mechanical (such as a change of mirror status) or electronic (additions of detectors or cameras) can improve the safety of that truck.

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