Blind-spots and the investigation of truck driver’s visibility conditions

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Ecker, H.:


Lindl, H.

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23. EVU Conference, Copenhagen


Ecker, H.: Blind-spots and the investigation of truck driver’s visibility conditions

EVU 2014 Copenhagen EckerCompared to passenger cars the driver’s visibility in heavy commercial vehicles is significantly restricted, mainly due to size and design of the driver’s cabin. To improve the situation for the driver, it is still state-of-the-art to attach several mirrors to the vehicle with the goal to reduce the blind areas around the vehicle. Nevertheless, accidents between commercial vehicles and other traffic are quite common because of visibility problems.

In the course of the investigation of such accidents, the forensic expert frequently needs to evaluate visible and blind areas as existing from the driver’s seat, in order to find the cause for an accident. In this paper, the legal requirements in regard of mirrors and visibility aides for heavy commercial vehicles are discussed. Practical methods to measure the areas of visibility and to detect blind spots are explained. Finally, measurement results for four up-to-date heavy trucks are presented and may serve accident investigator as a database.