Schejbalova, Z
Micunek, T.; Junova, H.; Lenk, J.
19. EVU Conference, Prague
Schejbalova, Z.: Vehicle vs. Child Pedestrian Collision – Full Scale Crash Tests and Mathematical Simulation. 19. EVU Conference, Prague
The faculty of Transportation Technology performed a series of dynamical passive safety tests of vehicle M1 category collision with child pedestrians under different impact speeds (10, 20, 30km/h) There were contact zones on the vehicle’s front surface resulting in acceleration of the head, thorax, and pelvis, sagital acceleration of knee joint and contact force on the femoral structure. The aim of these tests is not only to provide a detail description of pedestrian kinematics and comparison of primary and secondary impact seriousness, but also a simulation of potential accidental situation in coupling of Pam – Crash and MADYMO software.
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